Monday, December 30, 2013

I don't wanna believe in a God who...

I've been reading the countless homosexuality-related debates sparked by Phil Robertson's comments in GQ.

A few people--passionate, well-lettered, seemingly intelligent people--have responded to Phil's use of Bible verses with some version of: "I choose not to believe in a God who...."

Do the logical ones in the crowd now understand my use of "seemingly intelligent"?

Yikes, people.

First off, it's very difficult--maybe impossible, though that's up for debate--to "choose" to believe anything. Want me to prove it? Concentrate hard, right now, and try to make yourself believe the sky is green.

Don't burst a blood vessel. Got it? ...Not quite? Maybe a few years of meditation and you'll have it.

But that's not all that's wrong here. Let's say you were actually ABLE to make yourself believe the sky is green. Would you be right?

Unless the sun's rising or setting in spectacular fashion, no. Empirically, no.

Does the universe care what we believe? If I choose to believe there's a million dollars in my bank account, will I be happy when I check?

Of course not. Whether God exists or not, he is supremely unaffected by our belief or disbelief in him.

Saying you don't believe in God, just because you don't like his politics, is every bit as childish and ineffectual as sticking your tongue out at him and blowing a raspberry.

That is all.

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